Apr 16, 2011

GDE Haiti, Inc.

We realize that Grain d'Espoir pour Haiti is lengthy, and often difficult to pronounce because, let's face it:  most of us don't speak French!  When we first created this name, we loved that it was accessible to the people we serve in Haiti.  Honestly, we didn't consider much whether or not it was accessible to those who would be supporting Grain d'Espoir in America.  So, in an effort to make our name more easily discussible, we will now be doing business in the USA as GDE Haiti, Inc.  Donation checks can me made out to this name.  For now, our website and emails will remain the same as we work on transferring them over to GDE Haiti.  We hope this will be a welcome change and will alleviate the stumbling of words associated with Grain d'Espoir pour Haiti.